Capturing the metal essence with DevilDriver & Trivium!

November 12, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

And the plague stuck me... well not really, more of a gnarly flu that hadn't hit like it did for years. So bad I actually went to the doctor (I NEVER go to the doctor BTW). Came at a bad time too since I had the DevilDriver and Trivium show to shoot during this mess. But with plenty of rest and over the counter meds, I took this show with unwavering strides.

DevilDriver took the stage and immediately commanded the audience. Front man, Dez Fafara does not take his work lightly nor does he tolerate a medicore crowd. Following the first song, Dez shook his head, pointed straight into the crowd and said, "MAKE THAT F**K'N CIRCLE BIGGER, COME ON!".  And like magic, as the second song started, the pit was in a huge frenzy!

DevilDriver had a killer performance and what I really appreciate about these guys is the fact that they are genuine. Dez Fafara loves his fans and all throughout the show he demonstrated his appreciation by applauding, giving thumbs up and reaching out to touch fans as they crowd surfed up and over the front line.

As DevilDriver's set came to a close, they tossed out guitar picks and drum sticks, like many bands do, but this time, by the grace of the metal gods, one of the drum sticks landed right by my feet. A nice trinket from a killer show.

This tour kicks off DevilDriver's Winter kills album and I'm super stoked to have been able to catch this one live! Get out there and grab this album, its super rad!


Previous to this show, I posted on Facebook that I would be shooting this show which struck much interest in one particular friend of mine, Rodney. He let me know that he was going to be front row during this show which gave me an idea.

Security let me into the photo pit and I prepped for the next round of crunching metal!

Fog began to roll in as eerie silhouettes crept onstage back lit by a massive TRIVIUM logo. Here we go!

Matt Heafy charged into fast riffs and screaming vocals making it obvious that Trivium was not letting up tonight.

High energy can't even describe the intensity of the Trivium set but I think you probably can imagine. Shooting this show can be a challenge since the band members are very active and mobile. I suggest you nail your shots quickly since you may not get another chance.

Remember how my friend Rodney was going to be in the front row? Check out this amazing shot I got of him and one of his favorite metal bands of all time, Trivium! (He's the second guy from the left)

Note: You know that drumstick I got? I gave it to Rodney just before the Trivium set. Spreadn' the wealth.



DevilDriver and Trivium was one of the best shows I've seen in a while and I'm super stoked to have been a part of it. Thank you Freeman Promotions for hooking me up with the photo pass. You're a rad dude Jon! Big thanks to Mike Thrasher Presents for hosting an amazing show and thumbs up to the staff who makes my job as smooth as can be.

If you haven't done so already, go give DevilDriver a "Like" on their Facebook page here DevilDriver

And get over to Trivium's Facebook page to give em a "Like" here Trivium

Mike Thrasher Presents hosts most of the killer shows that come to Portland so be sure to put them on your Facebook "Like" list too over here Mike Thrasher Presents

And props to the other photographer that was in the pit. Your etiquette was great man.

Thanks for checking out my night with DevilDriver and Trivium!




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