iPhone 5s providing very useful images

October 02, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Camera phone shooters listen up.

I'm a firm believer that its not just the gear that creates an amazing image. Its a photographers basic understanding of lighting, composition and creativity that produces a fantastic photograph. Basically, its who's behind the camera that makes the shot. Sure, if your camera technically cannot produce a clean clear, balanced image, then you're pretty much out of luck. Have you ever seen a camera phone image and thought "Damn! That's a killer photo!" and on the flip side, seen an image shot with a DSLR (Digital single-lens reflex) camera and thought it wasn't so good? I'll say it a hundred times... its who's behind the camera, not the camera. Cameras and lenses are there to enhance your photographic ability. They are not there to define your ability.

So, by shooting with a good DSLR, you get the flexibility of capturing great photos in the most challenging situations. But, in controlled environments the iPhone 5s will provide very useful images.

Below is a photo I shot of my little one with an iPhone 5s. Yes, I sang to her so she would sing back providing me with this funny photo opp.

I then extracted EXIF data from the original photo using a free iPhone app called ExifWizard.

For you techies, Here is the, straight from the iPhone 5s,  EXIF data:

Focal Length: 30mm
Aperture: f/2.2
Exposure: 1/30s
ISO Equivalent: 80
Pixel Width: 3264
Pixel Height: 2448
File Size: 1.66 MB

This little goofball princess was photographed next to a window (Camera left) which offered plenty of key light. I then pulled the photo straight into Lightroom and did some creative retouching in PS. I decided to edit this photo to show you what a camera phone photograph can look like retouched.

Before retouching, the image was a little soft probably due to the 2.2 aperture and slower 1/30s shutter speed (even with in-camera stabilization). Since the camera shoots naturally in "auto mode", you are pretty much at the mercy of the device. Still though, I think its an acceptable camera phone photograph.

There are several mobile phone manufacturers out there producing killer camera phones and Apple's iPhone 5s is up there with the best of them. I am not a seasoned pro at shooting iPhone photos but I have seen some brilliant work out there by uber talented individuals. These are individuals who have mastered composition, lighting and creativity. One individual I'd like to give a very honorable mention for his iPhone photography is Zak Stone. Zak produces some of the most amazing iPhone photography out there. His work will clearly define and support the basis of this writeup. To see some of Zak Stone's fantastic iPhone photographs, click this link www.instacanv.as/mr0tt.

Don't feel like you need a powerhouse DSLR to fulfill you photography passion. Just grab your camera phone and snap away! The more photos you take, the better understanding you will have of composition, lighting and creativity.

Take care!

-Von Burke


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